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Copyright © The Author(s), 2010. Published by the Faculty of Arts of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with National Heritage Institute, the territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem.


On Inquiries about the Organ in Křemýž

Vít Honys

On Inquiries about the Organ in Křemýž in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 3–10; Studies

Between the years 2003 and 2006 was accomplished a detailed documentation of the organ in the church of St. Peter and Paul in Křemýž with a support of VZ 51/204. Till lately this organ was considered to be the oldest one in the district of Teplice with regard to an archaic design of a prospect and a case. The instrument was originally constructed by an unknown organist in the year of 1698 for the dean church of St. John the Baptist in Teplice. In the year 1702 it was extended by the organist Tobiáš Franz Fleck from Česká Kamenice who added another manual to it. When the organ was replaced by a new one in the year 1864, the old instrument was bought by a music-loving owner of the Křemýž estate Adolf Ledebour for a church in Kremýž, where it was installed by the organist Franz Müller. In the year 1885 it was partly reconstructed by his son Stefan who had settled there before. During the WWI requisitioned tin front pipes from the prospect towers were replaced by zinc ones. The last documented repair works on the instrument date back to the year 1939. Currently the partly functioning instrument is used very rarely.

Sacral Stained Glass Windows in the District of Teplice

Jiří Bureš

Sacral Stained Glass Windows in the District of Teplice in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 11–20; Studies

A considerable part of the fund of stained glass in the Czech republic comprises modern stained glass dating to the 19 and 20 centuries. However their thorough register has not been done so far and values of this collection have been ignored since the time of Max Dvořák. Stained glass is almost totally marginalized by specialists. In the district of Teplice there have been identified total of 96 physically preserved sacral stained glasses and more 19 defunct stained glasses have been found within archival research. In present days 52 stained glasses are in a quite bad technical condition. The studied collection contains valuable production of renowned studios including projects of F. X. Zettler and C. Geyling. These came into existence as an order for the owners of the Teplice estate, the family of Clary- Aldrigen. The collection of stained glass in a chapel of the Elevation of Holy Cross Church in Teplice was originated between the years 1857–1891 and its part belongs to the oldest sacral stained glass dating to the 19 century in our country. However other production in the district is more often represented by less quality works of C. L. Turckeś and R.Schleinś studios having almost series and repetitive character. The style of recognized stained glasses is predominantly historizing and eclectic, some part of stained glass is of Art Nouveau style. Stained glass was researched from the perspective of iconography, epigraphy, heraldry and basic prosopographic donors.

Black Kitchen on the Floor of House No. 80 in Litoměřice

Kamil Podroužek

Black Kitchen on the Floor of House No. 80 in Litoměřice in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 21–26; Documents

Essential information about the form and development of historic buildings can be obtained at the time of their alterations. These will reveal hidden structures, material composition, changes in layout and building technology. With the completion of the modifications, this information disappears again or even disappears irreversibly. Capturing and evaluating them is a prerequisite for refining the image of the building culture of past generations. The article maps the former black kitchen on the floor of house no. 80 in Litoměřice, which was uncovered during the reconstruction in 2008.

Štampach Rock Mill

Jan Frundl

Štampach Rock Mill in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 27–32; Documents

The Štampach mill is located in the north of the Mělník district in the cadastral area of the village of Střemy. It is one of the former water mills that operated on the middle course of the Pšovka River from the beginning of the 18th century until its official closure during the Second World War. At a distance of several hundred metres from the mill building there is a structure carved out of the sandstone bedrock, which is referred to, in oral tradition and literature, as the Štampach Rock Mill. It is perceived as a relic of the mill that had preceded the existing mill in time. This article is an attempt to interpret its former function.

Historical Garden as a Delicacy…

Dana Hladíková

Historical Garden as a Delicacy… in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 33–34; Gardens

A garden, and not only a historical one, is actually a delicacy in human life, a kind of super-standard that requires quite a lot of effort to exist. From the point of view of the contemporary issue of the conservation of historical gardens, parks, and cultural landscapes in general, even at the beginning of the third millennium, it must be stated that it is constantly faced with several problem areas: these are highlighted in this article.

The Area of Chateau in Ahníkov, Chomutov District

Mirjam Skoumalová

The Area of Chateau in Ahníkov, Chomutov District in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 35–37; Vanished Monuments

Ahníkov was chosen as his main residence by Linhart Sr. of Štampach, who bought the estate in 1578 from Bohuslav Felix Hasištejnský of Lobkowice. Linhart Sr. probably first rebuilt the older building, later the lower residential wing on the right side of the castle building. The main renaissance construction took place only under his son, Linhart Jr. The castle was originally intended to be of grandiose foundation, but it could not be completed according to the plans because after the defeat of the Estates' Revolt the property was confiscated.

Restoration of the Castle Grounds in Libouchec

Petr Hrubý

Restoration of the Castle Grounds in Libouchec in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 39–40; Monument Restoration

One of the most important monument restorations in the Ústí nad Labem Region is currently the long-term restoration of the chateau complex in Libouchec, district Ústí nad Labem. Due to the extraordinary nature of this restoration, it is appropriate to give at least a brief outline of this project.

Restoration of the Side Altar of the Infant Jesus of Prague from the Church of St. Lawrence in Kostomlaty

Vít Honys

Restoration of the Side Altar of the Infant Jesus of Prague from the Church of St. Lawrence in Kostomlaty in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 41–42; Monument Restoration

At the end of the summer of 2003, due to the influence of active worm-eating, a semi-plastic of God the Father in a halo collapsed from the top of the side altarpiece of the Prague Jesuit in the Church of St. Lawrence in Kostomlaty, fortunately without serious destructive consequences. The resulting state of disrepair triggered the need to address the situation by restoration intervention, which was only made possible by a financial contribution from the Programme for the Restoration of Movable Cultural Monuments of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in 2006-2008.

Žatec Urban Monument Reserve

Lucie Radová

Žatec Urban Monument Reserve in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 43–46; Urban Monument Reserve

Žatec is one of the first monument reserves in the country. The historic core, almost perfectly replicating the buildings outside the walls, was declared a reserve in 1961 thanks to the initiative of the local government. In the 1980s, a protection zone was established in its immediate surroundings. In 2003, the area adjacent to the historic centre was declared an industrial conservation area. Each of these parts of the city is specific and different, both in terms of urban structure and type of buildings. Nevertheless, together they form a unique whole.

Litoměřice Urban Monument Reserve

Lucie Radová

Litoměřice Urban Monument Reserve in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 47–48; Urban Monument Reserve

The town conservation area in Litoměřice was established in 1978 and is one of the largest in the Ústí nad Labem Region. Unlike the monument reserve in Žatec, most of the buildings here underwent large, demanding and, from today's point of view, problematic reconstructions in the second half of the 20th century. At present, the monuments are undergoing rather maintenance works related to the restoration of facade coatings, replacement of roofing and windows. The quality of the historic street interior is at a very low level. The problem is the owners' approach to the restoration of the facades, where in very rare cases it is possible to reconstruct their original appearance.

Úštěk Urban Monument Reserve

Stanislav Flesar

Úštěk Urban Monument Reserve in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 49–50; Urban Monument Reserve

The town of Úštěk was founded on a sandstone promontory, a natural settlement of various cultures, probably as early as the 13th century. The town with its spindle-shaped square on the old trade route from Litoměřice to Česká Lípa and Lužice acquired its stable urban structure in the 14th and 15th centuries, as we know it today, i.e. bounded by the town walls. Later, during the 16th century, the town expanded to include the suburbs of České, Německé and Na Podolci. The town underwent further development in the second half of the 19th century with the arrival of the railway, between the station and the town where the Villa Quarter was created. The town of Úštěk, as one of the smallest conservation areas, represents a unique, urbanistically compact preserved monumental complex with a number of interesting buildings, i.e. late Gothic gable-roofed town houses from the beginning of the 16th century, the town castle and the Gothic fortifications with the so-called Picart Tower, the Baroque Church of St. Peter and Paul with the rectory, the synagogue and the classical town houses, rebuilt after the fires of 1856-1859, completing both street fronts of the square.

Newly Built Expositions at Duchcov Castle

Dana Průchová – Pavel Průcha

Newly Built Expositions at Duchcov Castle in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 51–54; Castles and Chateaus

Duchcov Chateau has undergone many changes in its use since 1921, when it was sold to the District Office in Duchcov by its owner, Adolf Arnošt of Wallenstein (1868-1930) in connection with the land reform. Only the family gallery in the main hall remained in the empty castle, the other furnishings were transferred to the Wallenstein castles in Doksy and Mnichovo Hradiště. In the period between the world wars, the castle became the seat of administrative, educational and charitable organisations - there was a District Political Administration, a poorhouse and an institute for people suffering from lung diseases. From 1945 to 1960 it was the seat of the District National Committee, the Municipal National Committee, a special school and a folk art school.


Martin Krsek

Ú in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 55–56; Seminars, Conferences, Events

The website is a unique project among Czech architecture websites. The closest similarly conceived database of architecture of a specific city is the one in Vienna, Austria.

Digitization Centre

Kamil Podroužek

Digitization Centre in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 56–57; Seminars, Conferences, Events

At the end of last year, a new specialist workplace of the Faculty of Arts of the University of UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, the Documentation and Digitization of Cultural Heritage Centre, was opened. However, it started its activities already in the summer semester of 2008. In addition to the interior modifications of the building in the street Velké hradební 15, where three new classrooms, a laboratory and office space were created in close cooperation with the staff of the Faculty of Arts and some colleagues of the Department of History, the preparations consisted mainly in the purchase of technical equipment for teaching.

Technical Background of the Documentation and Digitization of Cultural Heritage Centre

Jan Peer

Technical Background of the Documentation and Digitization of Cultural Heritage Centre in Monumentorum Custos 2008, pp. 57–58; Seminars, Conferences, Events

The Documentation Centre is a specialised workplace of the Faculty of Arts of UJEP, which focuses on research and education in the field of documentation of tangible cultural heritage (architecture, small monuments, significant source artefacts, etc.), including audiovisual recordings. It is equipped with modern recording technology, an overview of which is given here.

SHP Conference – Jáchymov

Alžběta Kratochvílová

SHP Conference – Jáchymov in Monumentorum Custos 2008, p. 59; Seminars, Conferences, Events

On 10-13th June 2008, the Association for Historical Building Research, in cooperation with the National Technical Museum, the National Heritage Institute in Loket and the Regional Museum of the Karlovy Vary Region, organised the seventh specialised conference, this time on the topic of the technical infrastructure of buildings and settlements. The conference was held at the Dr. Běhounek Sanatorium in Jáchymov.


The FF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with the NPÚ in Ústí nad Labem.

Magazine format
  • A4, mirror 17 × 24,5 cm, full colour, glossy paper
  • ISSN 1803-781X

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