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Instructions for authors

The journal offers two main sections, Studies and Documents. The length of one paper should be 5 to 20 standard pages (1 SP = 1800 characters including spaces). The review process is conducted anonymously by both parties. For more information on the review process, please see the relevant section.

The text is written in 12 pt Times New Roman font, footnotes are written in the same 10 pt font. The text contains citations according to the standards of the Czech Historical Journal.

Examples of citation usage

  • Monographs: Emanuel Poche, Umělecké památky Čech I. (A–J), Praha 1977, s. 55.
  • Monographs with multiple authors: Jan Royt – Jiří Kuthan, The Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague castle, Prague 2017, s. 120.
  • Chapter in collective monograph: Michaela Ottová – Aleš Mudra, Katalog gotického sochařství na území historického Chebska, in: Jiří Vykoukal a kol., Umění gotiky na Chebsku, Cheb 2009, s. 125–278.
  • Paper in a volume: Kamil Podroužek, Štuky a kopáky – těžba, užití a význam kvádrového pískovcového zdiva, in: Jan John – Miroslav Kovář (edd.) Opracování kamene, Ústí nad Labem 2006, s. 79–83.
  • Journal article: Táňa Šimková – Kamil Podroužek, Špitální kostel sv. Ducha v Krupce, Průzkumy památek 2/2018, 2018, s. 107–119.
  • Archival material: SOA Litoměřice, pobočka Děčín-Podmokly, f. Velkostatek Teplice, inv. č. 4044, Mapa panství Teplice.
  • Glossary entry: Heslo Chotek, in: Ottův slovník naučný, XII, Praha 1897, s. 370.
  • Web link: Dokumentace historických staveb sloužících pro zpracování chmele. Národní památkový ústav: územní odborné pracoviště v Ústí nad Labem [online]. Ústí nad Labem: NPÚ, 2020 [cit. 2021-10-14]. Dostupné z:
  • When cited repeatedly: E. Poche, Umělecké památky I., s. 60.
  • We recommend using


Please use the abbreviation (Fig. X) to indicate the location of the image in the text and number the image file. Then use the same number to label the image file with image description. We recommend using a minimum of 1 image per 1 standard page. All commonly used formats (.jpg, .png, etc.), as well as e.g. drawings in .pdf format, can be included. The journal is not responsible for licensing settlements.


"The earliest schematic representation dates back to the beginning of the 18th century as part of a map of the manor made by Pieter Schenk. (Fig. 1) There is little further information on the form of the building in the 17th century."

Scope of contributions

Study – a maximum of 40 SP (standard page) of text (72,000 characters including spaces) without bibliography, abstracts and captions of images; part of the study are keywords, annotation (abstract at the beginning of the paper): approx. 500-900 characters and summary (abstract at the end of the paper): maximum 15% of the length of the text of the study; number of image attachments: maximum 1/1 SP; the study must be equipped with annotations

Document – a maximum of 20 SP of text (36,000 characters including spaces) without bibliography, abstracts and captions of images; part of the study are keywords, annotation (abstract at the beginning of the paper): approx. 500-900 characters and summary (abstract at the end of the paper): maximum 15% of the length of the text of the study; number of image attachments: maximum 1/1 SP; the study must be equipped with annotations



The FF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with the NPÚ in Ústí nad Labem.

Magazine format
  • A4, mirror 17 × 24,5 cm, full colour, glossy paper
  • ISSN 1803-781X

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