Giacomo Antonio Corbellini, scagliola and artificial marbles in the Convent Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Osek
Vít Honys
Giacomo Antonio Corbellini, scagliola and artificial marbles in the Convent Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Osek in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 5–18; Studies
The paper is devoted to Baroque artificial marbles and scagliola created by the plasterer G. A. Corbellini in the interior of the Convent Church of the Asumption of the Virgin Mary in Osek as part of its Baroque modernization between 1716 and 1718. After and introductiory characterization of the relationship between the concept of scagliola and artificial marble in the literature, the recently restored architectures of side altars made of artificial marble with menza fronts execured in the technique of mainly scagliola-Kupferstich are characterized with figural scenes related to the altar patrocini from 1713–1716. In the following phase, from 1717 to 1718, other works were executed in the technique of artificial marble: the counterpart pair of peitaphs of Abbot Slavko and the founders of the monastery, the decoration of which, according to the findings of the restoration, was mainly executed in stone and covered with stucco marble, anf the main altar, where the artificial marble was enriched in some parts with impressed mica scales. ALong with the neighbouring church of St Catherine and the church of St Vitus in Libědice, this is the earliest application of the scagliola technique in the work of the aforementioned artist in Bohemia; whether i tis also the culminating work of the Corbellini Collective in this technique will be possible after a comparative study with his subsequent realisations outside the Czech Republic.
Sculptural decoration of the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Milešov
Petr Hrubý
Sculptural decoration of the Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Milešov in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 19–35; Studies
The study focuses in detail on the stone sculptural decoration of the main facade of the Church of St Anthony of Padua in Milešov. The church was built at the end of the 17th century by Zdeněk Kaplíř of Sulevice, probably according to the plans of the architect Antonio della Porta. The architecture of the church itself was probably completed in the 1780s, but the sculptural decoration of the facade was only partially executed, probably only the decoration of the main portal in the formo f shields and a large heraldic shield was completed.This sculptural decoration was probably made by Abraham Kitzinger (+ 1688) or his son Abraham Felix Kitzinger (+ c. 1711). The main facade remained unfinished, the niches for the sculptural decoration were left empty. The addition of the sculptural decoration to the niches took place in 1710–1730, thanks to the donations of the noble family of Hrzán of Harasoc, namely Anna Zikmunda Sofie Hrzán of Harasov (+ 1730) and her son Zikmund Gustav (+ 1760). St Vojtěch, St Prokop, St Václav, St Ludmila and St Vitus were added to the empty niches. These statues were made of sandstone quarried in the vicinity of Pirna in Saxony, as documented by a detailed petrographic survey. Today, this sandstone is still mined and bears the name ,coatter Sandstein‘. The sculptures in question were probably made by the workshop of the important Saxon sculptor Balthasar Permoser (+ 1732), as documented by the author of the text through a detailed stylistic analysis of Permoser’s works and a comparison with the Milesian sculptures. A major contribution of the study to the history of Baroque sculpture is the newly determined dating of the sculptures and the identification of the sculptor and his workshop, which has not been clearly established in the literature so far.
„With God for the Emperor and the Fatherland!“ War memorials of the long 19th century on the territory of the Ústí Region
Jiří Bureš – Marta Pavlíková
„With God for the Emperor and the Fatherland!“ War memorials of the long 19th century on the territory of the Ústí Region in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 36–50; Studies
During the long 19th century a large collection of war memorials was created in the area under study. Their older horizon from the first third of the 19th century was created in connection with the Battle of Chlumec, Přestanov and Varvažov. It is a valuable collection of monumental architecture celebrating mainly the elites of the time, and leading artists (Pietro Nobile, Josef Max, Václav Prachner, Karl Friedrich Schinkel) participated in its creation. The more numerous set of monuments built from the 1870’s onwards was dedicated mainly to the war campaigns of the second half of the 19th century. Its builders were associations of military veterans. The builders were mainly local sculptors or specialist firms (Josef Seiche, Rudolf Burghart, Wilhelm Spölgen) with the participation of renowned sculptors (Karl Wilfert Sr., Ernst Hegenbarth, Johann Adolf Mayerl, Fritz Tampe). After 1918, these monuments were subjected to forced adaptation and stripped of their imperial symbols.
Blue mark on the map – the area of the ultramarine factory in Chabařovice
Monika Stará
Blue mark on the map – the area of the ultramarine factory in Chabařovice in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 51–62; Studies
The study maps the history and significance of the Chabařovice ultramarine factory, which at the time was the most modern factory for this pigment in Czechoslovakia. The article reflects the technological development of synthetic ultramarine production, which led to the development of this branch of the chemical industry. Attention is paid to the transformation of the factory premises, technological and constructional developments, changes in ownership relations and the subsequent decline in production with an overlap into current use.
The Convent of the Capuchin Monastery in Žatec and its Baroque
Jaroslav Skopec
The Convent of the Capuchin Monastery in Žatec and its Baroque in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 63–85; Studies
Although the Capuchin Order has recieved its own monographic treatment and has been given more space in the literature, the same is not true of their monasteries, which are generally associated mainly with their iconic church. In particular, we do not encounter any works that approach the issue of the monastery buildings themselves or their parts. The paper will therefore try to bring this issue closer to the Capuchin monastery in Žatec. The basis for this work will be a building-historical survey of the monastery prepared by the author in 2018, which was carried out as an update of the building-historical survey from 1988. The object of interest will be only the premises of the preserved convent, excluding the monastery church of the Coronation of the Virgin Mary, the gardens and the vanished accompanying buildings, such as the small objects of fountains, reservoirs, the summerhouse, etc. For the convent we will try to reconstruct its earliest layout from the time of its construction and assign the function and function of the individual rooms.
Twenty-one crosses by the Stone Master Ignatz Josef Jennatsch from Chabařovice
Martin Zubík – Jan Leibl
Twenty-one crosses by the Stone Master Ignatz Josef Jennatsch from Chabařovice in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 86–106; Documents
The article traces the activities of the Chabařovice stone mason and sculptor Ignatz Josef Jennatsch (1780–1832). Of a collection of about 20 such sculptures, half of them are still in various stages of decay. And that is a great pity; this paper wants to contribute at least a little to the knowledge of Jenatsch’s scrosses and to education.
Discovery of the Madonna with Angels from Havraň
Jan Royt – Markéta Machačová
Discovery of the Madonna with Angels from Havraň in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 107–104; Documents
The article reflects on the Discovery of an important Gothic statue of the Madonna with Angels from Havran, dating from the 1470s, which was found in the attic of a farmhouse in the village of Moravěves and subsequently purchased for the collections of the National Gallery in Prague. The results of an archival research of sources related to the church of St Lawrence in Havrana, which is offered as a probable place of the original location of the statue, are presented. This is followed by a detailed art-historical analysis of the work, including a description of the iconography, style and comparison with similar works from the same period. The sculpture represents an unusual type of Madonna being carried by a trio of angels playing musical instruments. The possible origin of the sculpture is discussed with the hypothesis of its belonging to one of the Prague or Most sculpture workshops. Despite the questions raised about the unclear origin of the sculpture, the importance of this Discovery for the knowledge of medieval sculpture in north-west Bohemia is emphasised.
Exhibition under the Kalich tower in Litoměřice
Monika Jeschkeová
Exhibition under the Kalich tower in Litoměřice in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 115–117; Reports
The Kalich House on Mírové Square in Litoměřice is one of the most original national cultural monuments in the Czech Republic. In its attic you can see a permanent exhibition that focuses on two main themes: The permanent exhibition of the history of the house No. 15/7 and the restoration of the roofing and roof trusses of the house No. 15/7. The concept of the exhibition is unconventional; instead of museum showcases, visitors will find interactive info-kiosks, several exhibits discovered during the renovation of the house have been added (e.g. painted boards and a beam from the 16th century), and the roof truss itself is an important exhibit. Thus, the house becomes part of the exhibition and the surprised visitor wandering along the plank walkways of the attic actually does too.
Exhibition of the reconstruction of the old town hall in Litoměřice
Eliška Scheuflerová
Exhibition of the reconstruction of the old town hall in Litoměřice in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 118–120; Reports
The old town hall has dominated the Litoměřice Square since 1539 and it is certainly one of the most beautiful buildings in Litoměřice. It has a long and colourful history and today it houses the regional museum. Over the past centuries, the town hall has undergone many repairs, reconstructions and partial interventions. However, the first twenty years of the 21st century were a period of stagnation, when no major construction or reconstruction works were carried out. It was not until June 2021 that a comprehensive, long-term project "Revitalisation of the old town hall building, no. 171" came into being. The restoration project was created by Ing. David Vytvar and IQ Stavby a projekty s. r. o. The overall work was completed in May 2023. Following this renovation project, a comprehensive exhibition on the building history of the old town hall was created for the public.
Annual Report of the Centre for Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
Veronika Chalupová
Annual Report of the Centre for Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in Monumentorum Custos 2024, pp. 121; Seminars, Conferences, Events
The year 2024 brought several projects to the Centre for Documentation and Digitization at the Faculty of Arts, UJEP. In addition, the Centre for Documentation worked on several smaller commissions in 2024.