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Copyright © The Author(s), 2016. Published by the Faculty of Arts of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with National Heritage Institute, the territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem.


Alabaster Altar and Pulpit from the Church of St. Florián in Krásné Březno

Petr Hrubý

Alabaster Altar and Pulpit from the Church of St. Florián in Krásné Březno in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 5–22; Studies

The study is devoted to the artistic and historical analysis of the Renaissance altar and pulpit in the church of St. Flo­rian in Krásné Březno: originally the church was the chapel of the Virgin Mary. Both the altar and the pulpit were made at the beginning of the 17th century, and the donor of the cha­pel and its interior equipment was Rudolf of Bünau († 1622) and his wife Kristina of Šlejnice. The introduction of the text focuses on the analysis of the existing literature which is de­dicated to the chapel‘s furniture. The next part of the study details the Renaissance altar and the pulpit, respectively their embellishments. The attention of the author is mainly focused on individual alabaster reliefs, which are the main decorative and visual elements. The main part of the study is dedicated to the identification of the author of the altar and the pulpit who was the Saxon sculptor and stonemason Melchior Kuntze (1575–1623). The altar is also compared to other works of Kun­tze, such as an altar in Burkhardswald or a pulpit in Cannewitz near Grimm (both sites in Saxony). The last part of the study deals with the identification of patterns according to which the individual alabaster reliefs of the altar and the pulpit were created. On the basis of detailed analyses and pictorial docu­mentation, it has been proved that the main designs for the relief were the copper engravings of the top Dutch engravers, such as Jan Sadeler, Cornelis Cort, or Johannes Wierix. At the very conclusion of the study, the extraordinary quality of the two works is highlighted in comparison with other similar Re­naissance monuments in the area of northwest Bohemia and Saxony.

Baroque Ciborium Altar of Basilica of P. Marie Bolestná in Bohosudov

Vít Honys

Baroque Ciborium Altar of Basilica of P. Marie Bolestná in Bohosudov in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 23–34; Studies

The study is devoted to the somewhat neglected main Baroque ciborium altar of the pilgrimage church of P. Marie Bolestná in Bohosudov. In the present literature, the altar is dated between 1707 and 1714, and the authorship is attribu­ted to Ondřej Röpsl or Franz Tollinger. The found archival sour­ces including the actual drawing of the canopy (namely the contract with F. Tollinger from Litoměřice on the carving and sculptural elements of the canopy and the tabernacle) con­vincingly predicate the carving and sculptural decoration to F. Tollinger, and shift the date of origin to 1705-1707. Besides the same modest ciborian architecture of the main altar of the pilgrimage chapel of Jména Panny Marie in Lomec near Netolice, it is the only Baroque altar architecture of this type in Bohemia. It also develops the Roman model of Bernini‘s St. Peter ciborium tabernacle by diagonal rotation of the supporting bodies, by the arched raising of the perimeter led­ges of the canopy, and by its enrichment with other carving and sculptural elements. Moreover, the shape of the taber­nacle, which was completed in the 18th century with additi­onal decorative carvings and votive gifts, and which is based on the architectural form of tempietto popular in central and northern Italy, is quite unique in our country. Such a unique and already admirable realization in its time necessarily had to be supported by a proposal from Jesuits and was undoub­tedly related to the ambitions for the representativeness of the pilgrimage church. These ambitions are also reflected in the unrealized progressive designs for the architecture of the church.

Hrad přepevný jest Pán Bůh náš” – A Note to Architecture of Art Nouveau Lutheran Churches from the Atelier Schilling und Graebner in Teplice region

Jiří Bureš

„Hrad přepevný jest Pán Bůh náš” – A Note to Architecture of Art Nouveau Lutheran Churches from the Atelier Schilling und Graebner in Teplice region in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 35–50; Studies

 The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is characterized by the extensive activities of the movement Los von Rom. As part of the rich construction activity, a number of German architects, including the Dresden Atelier of Rudolf Schilling and Julius Wilhelm Graebner, find many opportunities for sacral archi­tecture. According to the plans by the Schilling und Graebner Atelier churches in Duchcov (1899-1902), Hrob (1900-1902), Trnovany (1899-1905) and Věšťany (1902) are built. The group of these churches is dealt with in a historicist expression with elements of German Art Nouveau. The churches represent an early horizon of Art Nouveau architecture in the Czech land. The buildings were funded with the support of German Protestant Societies, especially the Gustav-Adolf organization. The most costly construction of the group was the church in Trnovany, which was scandalized in the contemporary evan­gelical press for financial difficulties and disproportionate costs. The churches in Duchcov and Hrob are still existing no­wadays, but the other two ones were demolished in the latter half of the 20th century.

„Dem deutschen Menschen eine deutsche Kirche.“ Construction of Evangelic Church in Dolní Poustevna at the end of 30s and during World War II

Václav Zeman

„Dem deutschen Menschen eine deutsche Kirche.“ Construction of Evangelic Church in Dolní Poustevna at the end of 30s and during World War II in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 51–60; Studies

Most parish churches of the German-language part of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Czech Lands built churches at the latest by the beginning of the 20th century. Some smaller churches, such as the preaching stations and the filial churches, realized the construction of churches in the interwar Czechoslovak period. This was also the case of Dolní Poustevny (Lower Einziedel) in the Šluknov region. The preaching station was established here in 1903 wi­thin the Rumburk Evangelical Parish. From the beginning, the church was thinking of its own church, but implementation was prevented by a lack of funding. Until the second half of the 1930s, it was impossible to assemble such a sum of mo­ney to start the construction. In 1936, Liberec architect Franz Radetzky made the building plans for the church. A single­-nave church with a tower in the corner of the presbytery was erected in the spirit of the heimatstile. The foundation stone was laid November 1st, 1937.

The construction of the church was carried out by the local builder Karl Steidl. The construction continued in the next two years, but the connection of the Sudetenland to the German Empire meant the implementation of the Imperial Building Regulations, and the outbreak of World War II brought a clo­sure to any constructions. War economy was not in favour of building churches, therefore the construction of the evangeli­cal church in Dolní Poustevna was soon interrupted, although in 1939 its completion had been optimistically anticipated and in 1940 its sanctification had been planned. However, the building had been rented as a warehouse in 1941. The situa­tion of the evangelical parish was further complicated by the eviction from the school building, where one of the rooms had been used as a prayer room. The church was not finished until the end of the war.

In this form the church remained until the beginning of the 21st century. In 2009 the church building was completed and extended by the initiative of the city. Today it serves as an urban cultural center under the name Centrum setkávání.

In the State Interest – Public Housing between 1918 and 1938 in Ústí Region

Marta Pavlíková – Jiří Bureš

In the State Interest – Public Housing between 1918 and 1938 in Ústí Region in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 61–72; Studies

The paper draws attention to the little-known chapter of the inter-war building development of north-western Bohe­mia and presents the state housing policy on the most interes­ting architectonic and urban projects of employee housing. This employee housing, which hit a wide area of the German borderland, has significantly shaped the urban structure of a number of cities and municipalities and, together with other housing plans organized by municipalities, industrial compa­nies and housing cooperatives, helped to start the construc­tion industry and revitalize the economy. At the background of the process of creating individual housing projects, the coexistence and antagonism of the Czechs and Germans in border areas are mirrored. The architectonic expression of in­dividual realizations often very well illustrates the ideological and national division of this part of the Czechoslovak Repub­lic. The state administration initiated construction projects mainly represented a unique opportunity to involve a wide range of Czech and, in exceptional cases, German architects, who managed to develop architecturally sound social hou­sing projects reflecting the world‘s development in this area.

The artwork of Master of the Stencil Convolute in the light of new finding

Eva Csémyová

The artwork of Master of the Stencil Convolute in the light of new finding in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 73–78; Documents

This paper is concerned with the question of possibility and reliability of attribution of medieval artworks based on the occurrence of identical stencil motifs within their decoration. This assumption is based on the theory presented by T. Edel who connects decorations of two monuments, armoire from Český Dub and ceiling of the church in Oberndorf, and associ­ates their authorship with Master of the Stencil Convolute. Du­ring the research on stencil paintings in Central Europe carried out by the author in years 2015-2016 the original set expan­ded by four other sites (Kirchgattendorf - stalls, Reinstädt and Črna pri Kamniku - ceilings, Etzoldshain - fragment of former west gallery). Different degree of preservation of motifs docu­mented in individual localities shows the existence of several workshops whose equipment included stencils with the same motive based on a common but unknown original.

Addendum to Škréta‘s paintings around Litoměřice

Jakub Pátek

Addendum to Škréta‘s paintings around Litoměřice in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 79–86; Documents

Karel Škréta, the central figure of Early Baroque Czech painting, has been attracting the attention of scholars for centuries. Since the 20th century, the birth and death of this Prague painter have been commemorated not only by exhi­bitions aimed at his creation, but also by new rises in the re­search interests. As a result, there are numerous publications that attempt to capture the life of the artist in detail and ana­lyze the corpus of the work. In 2010 there was a remarkable commemoration of the jubilee of the painter‘s birth by a mag­nificent exhibition project under the auspices of the National Gallery in Prague, which also included a series of publication outputs. These publications have rectified in a number of re­spects the current view of Škréta‘s work and its reception. The paper is designed to complement the regional re­search of Early Baroque painting.

St. Havel Church in Račiněves

Jaroslav Skopec – Jan Leibl

St. Havel Church in Račiněves in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 87–104; Documents

St. Havel Church in Račiněves is at first glance a compact building including only basic parts such as a nave with a tower and presbytery with sacristy. The relatively simple floor plan thus gives the impression of an uncomplicated building de­velopment with the Middle Ages and 19th century modificati­ons as presented in the hitherto existing literature. However, the example of this church shows that the situa­tion can be far more complicated when almost nothing is as it appears at first sight and how misleading can be the initial view of the interpretation of building development only on the basis of a stylistic analysis of the building without a de­tailed construction and archival research, which can at least partially bring about a fundamental change in the view of an otherwise relatively simple construction.

Restoration of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Konojedy at Úštěk

Stanislav Flesar

Restoration of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Konojedy at Úštěk in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 105–110; Monument Restoration

On 24 September 2016, after fourteen months of reconstruction, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Konojedy near Úštěk was officially opened to the public. The late Baroque church was built in the village's intramural area on an elevated rocky plateau with a steep western and southern slope, more precisely on its southwestern corner. The church was built on the site of an earlier early Baroque church from the very end of the 17th century. The new larger church incorporated a vaulted western crypt.

Small Monuments, Sacral and Others, in the Village Čermná (Ústí nad Labem District)

Jan Leibl – Martin Zubík

Small Monuments, Sacral and Others, in the Village Čermná (Ústí nad Labem District) in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 111–126; Monument Documentation

Our article wants to contribute to the knowledge, recollection and, above all, understanding of a small segment of the large set of historical artefacts left by the past generations of people inhabiting the area under the Ore Mountains - the Czech Germans. From the so far little studied sites, of which there are dozens and hundreds of ones in the Ústí nad Labem region, we chose the cadastre of the village of Čermná (German: Leukersdorf; nowadays administered by the municipality of Libouchec), both for the limited number of small monuments and for the relative illustrative nature of the objects typical of a small village with a German population before 1945. The village had or still has eight crosses, two chapels, one secular statue, a milestone and a monument to the fallen in the Great War.

Documentation of the Brewery Kiln in Lobeč at Mělník

Jan Horák – David Skalický – Monika Stará

Documentation of the Brewery Kiln in Lobeč at Mělník in Monumentorum Custos 2016, p. 127; Monument Documentation

On 21 November 2016, the Centre for Documentation and Digitization of Cultural Heritage of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem carried out documentation of the uncovered relics of the heating system on the ground floor of the brewery in Lobeč. These are the remains of a smoke kiln for drying malt, which were found under the floor. The kiln, which also includes a vault with a rectangular opening at the top, called a steam room, was uncovered as part of the ongoing restoration of the brewery grounds. The documentation was initiated by the owner Ing. arch. Pavel Prouza, and the renovation of the site, which also includes further research, is still underway.

Digitization of the Roland Statue in Litoměřice

Monika Stará

Digitization of the Roland Statue in Litoměřice in Monumentorum Custos 2016, pp. 127–128; Monument Documentation

On 4 May 2017, the digitization of the Roland statue took place in the Regional Museum in Litoměřice. The original of the statue from 1539, a copy of which is located on the northern pillar of the western facade of the old town hall in Litoměřice, is located in the museum exhibition.

Exhibition "North-West Bohemia During the Reign of the Luxembourgers"

Antonín Kadlec

Exhibition "North-West Bohemia During the Reign of the Luxembourgers" in Monumentorum Custos 2016, p. 129; Seminars, Conferences, Events

The year 2016 was in the spirit of celebrating the 700th anniversary of the birth of Charles IV. It included a series of thematic exhibitions and lectures held throughout the country. A large exhibition entitled North-West Bohemia under the reign of the Luxembourgers was on display from 6 May in the Riding Hall of Teplice Castle. Apart from the Ústí nad Labem Regional Office and the North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts in Litoměřice, many other partners participated in the exhibition.

Exhibition "The Age of Kings and Emperors. Luxembourg Architectural Heritage of Northwest Bohemia"

Táňa Šimková

Exhibition "The Age of Kings and Emperors. Luxembourg Architectural Heritage of Northwest Bohemia" in Monumentorum Custos 2016, p. 129; Seminars, Conferences, Events

The National Heritage Institute commemorated the significant event of the 700th anniversary of the birth of Charles IV of the Luxembourg dynasty in 2016 with a series of events, exhibitions and projects. The Ústí nad Labem Territorial Department joined them with an extensive exhibition focusing on the architectural heritage of the key border region of the former kingdom during the reign of this important dynasty. The presented panels and other parts of the exhibition, prepared by a team of authors led by PhDr. Petr Hrubý, thus presented immovable monuments of the period from the second half of the 14th century to the 1440s as part of the national programme of the National Heritage Institute.

Marta Pavlíková – Jiří Bureš – Lenka Hájková: Worker Housing Estates in North Bohemia Between 1918-1938. Company Colonies and State Houses

Antonín Kadlec

Marta Pavlíková – Jiří Bureš – Lenka Hájková: Worker Housing Estates in North Bohemia Between 1918-1938. Company Colonies and State Houses in Monumentorum Custos 2016, p. 130; Semináře, konference, akce

Another contribution to the understanding of the complex issue of interwar housing construction in the Ústí Region is the publication "Worker Housing Estates in North Bohemia Between 1918-1938, Company Colonies and State Houses". The title, published in 2016 by the National Heritage Institute, a territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem, is a follow-up to a 2014 book that traced the construction of state-owned mining colonies. The authors Mgr. Marta Pavlíková, Mgr. Jiří Bureš and Mgr. Lenka Hájková provide a comprehensive view of a segment of our interwar architecture that has not been explored in depth yet.


The FF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with the NPÚ in Ústí nad Labem.

Magazine format
  • A4, mirror 17 × 24,5 cm, full colour, glossy paper
  • ISSN 1803-781X

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