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Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by the Faculty of Arts of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with National Heritage Institute, the territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem.


Renaissance organ in the church of St. Florian in Krásné Březno

Vít Honys

Renaissance organ in the church of St. Florian in Krásné Březno in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 5–16; Studies

The article deals with possible forms of the original Renaissance organ in the church of St. Florian in Krasne Brezno in Usti nad Labem (especially the organ con­sole), completed in the year 1606. What remains till pre­sent days of this organ is only a torso of a part of the prospect, preserved in the collections of the Museum of Usti nad Labem. We have no written sources with information about its origin and authorship: Due to this absence it was assumed on the basis of available knowledge of organ making activities in area of the Ore Mountains and Saxony that it was built in some of organ making workshops in the Dresden area. Finding of graphic model – the upper part of the scene Baptism of Christ by J. Harmensz Muller from the cycle Salus humani generis – for painted scenes of music produced by angelic choirs on the inner side of the double doors of the preserved organ prospect was very important. Results of historical, building and restoration survey of the church interior showed that a parapet of the mat­roneum was never broken for location of the positive at the place where the organ was situated and so the hypothesis of two manual instrument that was accep­ted till now can be excluded. However this fact does not exclude the use of inner space of the case of posi­tive in front of the parapet for placing smaller part of larger sounding pipes from piperack behind the upper functional prospect with respect to its limited internal depth (up to 60 cm) allowing the placement of maximum of 8 stops.

Calvary Na Ostrém near the town of Úštěk

Miroslav Nový – Eliška Nová

Calvary Na Ostrem near the town of Ustek in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 17–30; Studies

Baroque complex of the Calvary dating back to the first decade of the 18th century, is lying on a hill situated to the north of the village Ostre, which can be found 2 km eastward of Ustek (district of Litomerice). This article presents summary results of building and histori­cal survey which was carried out in the year 2007 due to the commencement of reconstruction of the devas­tated complex.

Building developement of the Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary in the town of Krupka

Táňa Šimková

Building developement of the Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary in the town of Krupka in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 31–48; Studies

Outer and inner shape of the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in the town of Krupka is composed of three distinct parts, which reflect rich development of the buildings, that is situated in the centre of the mining town of Krupka. The article deals with this issue.

The church of st. Bartholomew in the village Sirejovice

Tomáš Brož – Jan Leibl

The church of st. Bartholomew in the village Sirejovice in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 49–70; Studies

The article dedicated to building and historical development of the church of St. Bartholomew in Sirejovice presents results of a survey carried out in connection with the proposal to register the church as an immovable cultural heritage in the year 2013.

Brief building developement of the Theresienstadt Fortress in the years of 1780–1888

Ivan Fuksa

Brief building developement of the Theresienstadt Fortress in the years of 1780–1888 in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 71–90; Studies

Nowadays, the majority view of Theresienstadt is that it was a bastion fortress built at the end of the 18th century to defend northwest Bohemia against the Prussian invasion, which lasted unchanged until the end of the 19th century. Then the town of Theresienstadt lost its status of a fortress and the Theresienstadt Fortress did not enter history until the German occupation of the Czech lands during the Second World War, when it became a symbol of the atrocities and brutality committed by the Nazis. This image is supported by most of the literature commonly available today. Today, we can count on one hand the number of books that have been published focusing on the Terezín Fortress itself. This article therefore wishes to contribute to the few works on the subject.

Functioning of the summer residence of the Emperor Ferdinand V, the Good, in Ploskovice

Martin Aschenbrenner

Functioning of the summer residence of the Emperor Ferdinand V, the Good, in Ploskovice in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 91–98; Studies

The castle and its surrounding gardens in Ploskovice served as a summer residence of the Emperor Ferdinand I and V the Good in the third quarter of the 19th century. If we want to inquire about functioning of the castle and its gardens there are available interesting materi­als that has been preserved till today. These are mainly budgets that were compiled for the castle by the castle guard Franz Ullmann, for the garden it was the garde­ner Franz Fritsch. On the 20th of every month they sent them to the the Emperor‘s Court (at first to the highest steward, later to so called intendant) to be approved. For examination we have chosen the budgets from the year 1854, when the Emperor arrived in the summer residence for the first time, and the year 1859 so that the two years can be compared. For these two years both the budget fot the castle and the garden budget have been preserved for almost all months.

Chapel of St. Wenceslas in Prachova

Václav Zeman

Chapel of St. Wenceslas in Prachova in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 99–114; Studies

Parish Church of St. Nicolas in Prachova in the Litomerice region was first mentioned in the year 1272. According to preserved survey from the first third of the 19th century we can assume that the church is an early Gothic structure founded around the year 1300. It is also supposed that the building was already then a one nave church with a nearly square floor plan, the same applied to a presbytery. The nave was accessible by a pointed portal in the south wall. Around the year 1573 the church burned down including a tower with a bell. In 1573 Brikcí z Cimperka cast a new bell, which remained at the latest till the 70’s of the 18th century in the nearby village Hrusovany. Importance of this religious buildings declined especially after the village ceased to exist probably in period of the Thirty Years War. In the late 17th century the church was in written sources referred to at first as a sub­sidiary church, later a chapel. Also original medieval dedication of the church changed – from St. Nicolas to St. Wenceslas.

In the mid-20’s and in the late 60’s and early 70’s of the 18th century some reconstructions were car­ried out, nevertheless they failed to protect the chapel from gradual deterioration. In the early 19th century the state of this object of medieval origin was no more sustainable and it had to be demolished. In its place was in the years 1835–1839 built a new chapel in Empire style, designed by the Litomerice regional engineer Wenzel Geržabek. In 1861 the sacristy was attached to the chapel, then in the late 70’s of the same century a significant static securing of the build­ing was implemented. Not so much used chapel sur­rounded only by a cemetery underwent the greatest degradation after the year 1945. After many years of neglected maintenance and purposeful devastation the object became a ruin. The demolition which had been considered was never carried out. Currently, the ruins of a chapel with preserved perimete walls is pri­vate and the owner has been planning adaptation for housing purposes since the year 2010. The building deserves reconstruction, but, if possible, with respect to its historical form from the 30’s of the 19th century.

Newly found projects in architectural competitions in the town Teplice on the turn of the 19th and 20th century

Jan Hanzlík

Newly found projects in architectural competitions in the town Teplice on the turn of the 19th and 20th century in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 115–130; Studies

On the basis of research of other sources we suc­ceded in finding other projects from several architec­tural competitions in the town of Teplice from the period of 1900 and 1914. Competitions in Teplice and its neigh­bourhood at the end of existence of Austria-Hungary were a unique show and at the same time “a wrestling ring” of various architectural trends and styles occurring in environment of German Bohemia.

Extinct Chapel of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Rudolice nad Bílinou

Mirjam Skoumalová

Extinct Chapel of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Rudolice nad Bílinou in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 131–136; Vanished Monuments

The Chapel of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Rudolice was not listed as a cultural monument, therefore detailed photographic and measurement documentation was not required before its demolition. However, it should be noted that in the case of the full-scale liquidation of villages associated with coal mining or the construction of water reservoirs, strong requirements were placed on the maximum acceleration of approval processes. Apparently, this is why the Ministry of Culture often backed down from fulfilling the legal requirements and issued mass decisions on the abandonment of monument protection without any conditions.

ARS MONTANA. Artistic and Cultural Transfer in the Open Space of the Czech-Saxon Erzgebirge on the Threshold of the Early Modern Period

Táňa Šimková

ARS MONTANA. Artistic and Cultural Transfer in the Open Space of the Czech-Saxon Erzgebirge on the Threshold of the Early Modern Period in Monumentorum Custos 2014, pp. 137–138; Seminars, Conferences, Events

On 10–11 April 2014, the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts of UJEP in cooperation with the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague organized an international conference focused on the influence of the mining towns on cultural and artistic transfer in the Erzgebirge border zone, which significantly expanded the necessary contacts of cultural and artistic exchange from Bohemia to the wider region of Central Europe. The conference was one of the target outputs of the GAČR project of the same name, carried out between 2012-2015.

Conference "Folk Architecture – Broumov Region 2015" in the spotlight

Jan Horák

Conference "Folk Architecture – Broumov Region 2015" in the spotlight in Monumentorum Custos 2014, p. 139; Seminars, Conferences, Events

On 11 and 12 June 2015, the staff of the Centre for Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage of the Faculty of Arts, UJEP, consisting of Bc. Jan Horák, PhDr. Kamil Podroužek, Bc. Michal Trněný and Mgr. Barbora Větrovská participated in the professional conference "Folk Architecture – Broumov Region 2015". The conference was organized by the Society for the Restoration of Villages and Small Towns, the National Monuments Institute in Josefov, the Institute of Monument Conservation FA ČVUT and the Omnium civic association, under the auspices of Prof. J. Škabrada.

Summer Workshop of OPD and SHP Švihov 2015

Michal Trněný

Summer Workshop of OPD and SHP Švihov 2015 in Monumentorum Custos 2014, p. 140; Seminars, Conferences, Events

From 27 to 31 July 2015, the "Summer Workshop of OPD and SHP" took place at Švihov Castle. The event was co-organised by the Association for Building and Historical Research, NPÚ ÚOP in Loket, NPÚ ÚOP in Pilsen, NPÚ General Directorate, Švihov Castle Administration, NPÚ ÚPS in České Budějovice and the Centre for Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage of the Faculty of Arts of UJEP in Ústí nad Labem.

International Summer School on Baroque Architecture and Art 2015 in Broumov

Barbora Větrovská

International Summer School on Baroque Architecture and Art 2015 in Broumov in Monumentorum Custos 2014, p. 141; Seminars, Conferences, Events

On 5-12 July, the International Summer School on Baroque Architecture and Art 2015 was organized by Omnium z. s. and the Institute of Art History of the CAS in the Broumov region. The summer school was attended by over 90 students from Central Europe, mostly from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and one student from the USA.

Participation of the CDDKD in the Summer School of Research and Documentation of Folk Buildings

David Skalický

Participation of the CDDKD in the Summer School of Research and Documentation of Folk Buildings in Monumentorum Custos 2014, p. 142; Seminars, Conferences, Events

The Centre for Documentation and Digitization of Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Environment of UJEP participated in the Summer School of Research and Documentation of Folk Buildings implemented within the project Rescue and Presentation of Folk Monuments of the Bohemian-Moravian Borderland from 8th to 9th July 2015. The working meeting was organized by the Society of Archaic Enthusiasts from Sebranice u Litomyšle and in addition to CDDKD, the documentation of endangered buildings was co-organized by the Faculty of Architecture of Brno University of Technology under the leadership of Doc. Jan Hrubý and the Institute of Historical Sciences of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Pardubice under the leadership of Prof. Jiří Škabrada. Representatives of the National Heritage Institute and students of universities also participated.


The FF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with the NPÚ in Ústí nad Labem.

Magazine format
  • A4, mirror 17 × 24,5 cm, full colour, glossy paper
  • ISSN 1803-781X

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