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Copyright © The Author(s), 2012. Published by the Faculty of Arts of J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with National Heritage Institute, the territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem.


Expressionism, modernism, factuality and function. Imprints of new world architectonic styles in the town of Teplice in the first half of the 20 century

Jan Hanzlík

Expressionism, modernism, factuality and function. Imprints of new world architectonic styles in the town of Teplice in the first half of the 20 century in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 5–20; Studies

The article summarizes all influences and styles of architectonic avant-garde that could have affected architectonic production in Teplice. After the first import of styles by architects especially from Wien, Dresden and Prague an independent avant-garde scene in Teplice was being formed, whose representatives were architects Max Loos, Ernst Kominik, Josef Hühnel and others. The article also describes two important urban planning competitions in the year 1933. In Teplice avantgarde architectonic style most often blended two tendencies – firstly German expressionism and new factuality adapted from German area and secondly modernism from Czech area, when especially Jewish and Czech architects and investors were greatly influenced by functionalism. In relation to foundation of Czechoslovakia there also emerged a great deal of Czech architecture financed by the state.

Employees´ housing estates in the northwestern Bohemia, the issue of social housing in the period between 1918–1938

Marta Pavlíková – Alena Sellnerová – Jiří Bureš

Employees´ housing estates in the northwestern Bohemia, the issue of social housing in the period between 1918–1938 in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 21–34; Studies

One of the features characteristic for the first years of the newly established Czechoslovak republic was a rather long housing crisis which culminated for the first time shortly after the end of the WWI. The lack of small flats became quite evident in big cities and industrial areas such was the North Bohemian basin. It was apparent very quickly that without the help of the state it would not be possible to stop or mitigate the crisis. After taking newly adopted legislative measures, especially new building laws, new housing estates for employees subsidized or co-financed by the state or big industrial enterprises were being built. Newly built colony houses were inspired by foreign especially English garden towns and they reflected different approaches to „national styles“ (tradition of Czech modernism, heimatstill). The authors of new colonies were the most significant Czech architects – Jindřich Freiwald, František Albert Libra, Alois Kubiček and Emil Králíček. From German speaking authors we could mention such personalities as Otto Rudolf Salvisberg, Paul Brockardt, Arthur Payr or important architecture office Lössow and Kühne.

How are frescoes being saved: searching for identity of a hospital fresco by V. V. Reiner in Duchcov

Marian Hochel

How are frescoes being saved: searching for identity of a hospital fresco by V. V. Reiner in Duchcov in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 35–48; Documents

Cílem předloženého příspěvku není dokumentace duchcovské špitální fresky, ani podrobný popis z hlediska historické chronologie, ale specifikovat místo fresky v kolektivní paměti regionu a ozřejmit okolnosti transferu monumentálního Reinerova díla, jež bylo téměř dvacet pět let uloženo v depozitárních bednách, aby se v období takřka jednoho půlstoletí stalo předmětem diskusí, v jakém čase a prostoru bude znovu umístěno, nehledě na okolnosti vzniku a vazbu k lokalitě, ve které bylo vytvořeno.

Discovery of renaissance floor tiling and air-conditioning system in the basement of the castle in Libouchec

Kamil Podroužek

Discovery of renaissance floor tiling and air-conditioning system in the basement of the castle in Libouchec in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 49–60; Documents

Finding of a unique late Renaissance interior floor tiling in the basement of the castle building in Libouchec resulted in documentation of its surface with the aim to determine technology of the tiling and a function of the space. On the basis of the assessment of formal features of the structure and particular elements of the floor, for which a vector photo plan was used, made by a technique of creating an image mosaic, we could have observed that the floor was built by two groups, probably two pairs of pavers. The groups first proceeded from the entrance of the room towards its centre, then after provisional finishing of a square in one third of the depth of the room they continued from the opposite wall towards the centre of the room and finally they laid the tiling in the centre. At the same time each group was laying the tiling along one in-depth wall.

In the shade of great masters. (On the question of unknown saint woman from the permanent exposition in Litoměřice gallery)

Ľubomír Turčan

In the shade of great masters. (On the question of unknown saint woman from the permanent exposition in Litoměřice gallery) in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 61–66; Documents

What introduces visitors to exhibition of an old art in the North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Art in Litoměřice is a small, inconspisuous and significantly damaged statue of an unknown saint woman probably of St. Catherine. This woodcut has been preserved till present days only as a torso with fragmentary remains of polychrome and we know neither its origin nor its certainly unsettled fate. Perhaps its condition or its apparent modest form caused that it stayed out of scientific interest and no monography about the statue with its artistic and historical analysis has come to existence till now.

Two door wings from the church of st. Lawrence in Želina near the town of Kadaň as an example of a design of historical door in the period of late gothic and late baroque

Táňa Nejezchlebová

Two door wings from the church of st. Lawrence in Želina near the town of Kadaň as an example of a design of historical door in the period of late gothic and late baroque in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 67–74; Documents

The church of St. Lawrence in Želina near Kadaň was destroyed by fire in the year of 1960, the fire damaged especially the interior of the church. In a narthex and a sacristy of the church two door wings unhinged from its original place were preserved. Documentation and analysis of their panelling helped to determine the age of the first ledge door with metal plates on its front side to the turn of the 15 and 16 century. The church was then rebuilt and the door served as a safety door from the presbytery to the sacristy. The second combined door wing is most probably from the period of Classicism and functioned as an exterior entrance door to the narthex of the church. Documentation on the door wings provided more accurate idea about a historical interior of the church and brought more light to differences in their shape and design.

Fragment of a shaped moulding from the church of st. Procopius in Černěves

Táňa Nejezchlebová

Fragment of a shaped moulding from the church of st. Procopius in Černěves in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 75–80; Documents

In a wall around the cemetery of the church of St. Procopius in Černěves a set of mason elements secondarily stored have been found, of which the most significant was a fragment of a shaped moulding. Profile of the moulding continues the one of an impost block and where it is bevelled parts of authentic surface modifications were preserved. On the basis of analysis the moulding was dated to the same period as building adaptations of the church at the end of the 15 century. Its original shape was reconstructed as a smallish rectangular portal, the location of which is with respect to exterior entrance supposed to have been in a sacristy. The moulding probably ceased to exist at the same time when it was stored in its secondary position in Early Baroque period in the first half of the 17 century.

Space model of the chapel of Holy Trinity in Chlumec

Jan Horák

Space model of the chapel of Holy Trinity in Chlumec in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 81–90; Documents

Undoubtedly thorough documentation has an irreplaceplable role in the process of national heritage care. In present days an author of such documentation is provided with modern tools which can make his work easier and mainly enhance its quality. The text deals with intersection photogrammetry, geodetic surveying with the use of a total station and with evaluation of the results in CAD programme.

Organ of Josef Breinbauer in the church of st. Elisabe th in the town of Teplice – a unique monument of organ romanticism

Vít Honys

Organ of Josef Breinbauer in the church of st. Elisabe th in the town of Teplice – a unique monument of organ romanticism in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 91–98; Documents

The article draws attention to a little known organ of an important representative of Austrian romantic organ industry, Josef Breinbauer from Ottensheim, in the church of St. Elisabeth in Teplice. The instrument of a slider chest system with 20 registers on two manuals and a keyboard was built in the year of 1877 under unknown circumstances. The concept of its disposition was influenced by so called Regensburg reform of church music, but mensuration of higher registers and also twelve-tone repeat keyboard prove a subsiding tradition of classical organ industry. Except of two partial intervention in disposition the instrument has been preserved in its original condition and today it is the largest and the most northerly located work of Josef Breinbauer in the territory of our state.

Extinct Church of St. Wenceslas in Čachovice, Chomutov District

Mirjam Skoumalová

Extinct Church of St. Wenceslas in Čachovice, Chomutov District in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 99–106; Vanished Monuments

The village of Čachovice was located approximately 8 km east of Kadan, at an altitude of 277 m, in an area partially destroyed by the construction of the Nechranice Dam. It was situated on a slope along the right bank of the Lužický brook. The rising, elongated village square, surrounded on both sides by farmsteads of the so-called reduced Frankish type, ended with the Church of St. Wenceslas with the former cemetery and the 14 St. Helpers' Column. The most valuable building in the village was the parish church of St. Wenceslas, built in 1716-1720 under the parish priest, Bernard Josef Hübner. As was confirmed during its major renovation in 1926, the church was not built as a new building at the beginning of the 18th century, but with the use of part of the masonry of an older church building. The removal of the plaster revealed Renaissance sgraffito and the original masonry of the Gothic church.

Transformation of Building No. 13 in Kadaň

Lenka Kotišová

Transformation of Building No. 13 in Kadaň in Monumentorum Custos 2012, pp. 107–117; Monument Restoration

In February 2010, a plan for the reconstruction of the house No. 131 with a change of its use to commercial short-term accommodation, a guesthouse, was submitted to the expert committee of the National Heritage Institute of the territorial expert workplace in Ústí nad Labem for consideration. The project documentation (hereinafter referred to as the PD) was prepared without any follow-up to the building-historical survey (hereinafter referred to as the SHP). It was decided that the PD would be redesigned on the basis of the outputs and conclusions of the newly prepared SHP and that the material solution of the roof would be modified, including the preparation of other variant proposals for the illumination of the attic space and the solution of the facades.

LEXIKON NORDDEUTSCHER ORGELBAUER (Band 2 – Sachsen und Umgebung) Wolfram Haeckel und Uwe Pape Hrsg.), Berlin 2012, 743 pages

Vít Honys

LEXIKON NORDDEUTSCHER ORGELBAUER (Band 2 – Sachsen und Umgebung) Wolfram Haeckel und Uwe Pape Hrsg.), Berlin 2012, 743 pages in Monumentorum Custos 2012, p. 117; News, Reviews

As part of the numerous organological literature of neighbouring Saxony, a remarkable lexicon of organists working in Saxony was published last year, which continues the tradition of the older voluminous dictionaries of Saxon organists and organs, beginning with the classic work of Fritz Oehme from the late 19th century, through the manuscript lexicon of Ernst Flade (deposited in the music department of the Berlin State Library) to the works of Ulrich Dähnert from the second half of the 20th century. The lexicon is remarkable, among other things, for its attempt to capture the professional overlap into the border areas of Bohemia and the now Polish parts of Silesia.

Exhibition "Worker Colonies 1900-1938"

Jiří Bureš

Exhibition "Worker Colonies 1900-1938" in Monumentorum Custos 2012, p. 118; News, Reviews

On Thursday, 18 April 2013, the opening of the exhibition "Worker Colonies 1900-1938.

Social Housing in North Bohemia" was held at the headquarters of the National Heritage Institute, territorial department in Ústí nad Labem, at the castle in Krásné Březno. The exhibition represents the output of the research activities of the Institute's staff, Mgr. Marta Pavlíková, Mgr. Alena Sellnerová and Mgr. Jiří Bureš as part of the research task "Research and Presentation of 19th and 20th Century Architecture", which is funded by the institutional support of the Ministry of Culture for the long-term conceptual development of the research organization.


The FF UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in cooperation with the NPÚ in Ústí nad Labem.

Magazine format
  • A4, mirror 17 × 24,5 cm, full colour, glossy paper
  • ISSN 1803-781X

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